Scheduled outage completed.
Update posted 1 year, 3 months ago. -
Scheduled outage started.
Update posted 1 year, 3 months ago.
On Wednesday November 15th at 10am AEST (11am AEDT), there is a 24 hour maintenance window for the Nectar GPU service that will affect all instances. Current GPU instances will be terminated at the start of the window, and you can relaunch them on November 16th at 10am AEST (11am AEDT) (or later).
To see the outage starts in your timezone, see this link: https://www.inyourowntime.zone/2023-11-15_10.00_Australia.Brisbane
• Reservations can now be made starting on November 16th and up to February 14th 2024.
• The GPU flavors for the Intersect AZ will change after the outage: "int.g1.medium" becomes "int.g1.large", "int.g2.xsmall" becomes "int.g2.large" and "int.g2.medium" becomes "int.g2.xlarge". These new flavors can be reserved now.
Last modification at:
Wed, 25 Oct 2023 1:02a.m. (UTC)
Scheduled outage completed.
Update posted
1 year, 3 months ago.
Scheduled outage started.
Update posted
1 year, 3 months ago.